Latest inkscape download
Latest inkscape download

latest inkscape download

# change to the directory containing your Inkscape source checkout (has to be # adjusted to match your system) cd master 32-bit or 64-bit, matching the dependencies you downloaded above and the version of Inkscape you want to build). To compile Inkscape open the MSYS2 MinGW shell (remember to use the correct shell, i.e. This creates a folder called "master" in the current working directory (usually the home folder located at "C:\msys64\home\Your_Username" or similar) in which the clone of the source repository is created. Simply open the MSYS2 MinGW shell and run the command Note: For general instructions on how to use Git see Working with Git.Īs MSYS2 provides the revision control software Git you do not need to download it separately. Dependencies are separate for 32-bit and 64-bit Inkscape. ⚠️ Warning: Always make sure to use the proper MSYS2 shell (see screenshot to the right).

  • Relax and take a break, as this may take some time (a few minutes at best, but it can take significantly longer if you have a slow internet connection or the server load is high).
  • If you already have a copy of the Inkscape source it should also be included in the "buildtools" folder.)

    latest inkscape download

    Alternatively, you can copy-paste the script into the console or download it, change to the folder containing the file and type. (The command downloads and runs the script

  • Start an MSYS2 MinGW shell (use the "MSYS2 MinGW 32/64-bit" shortcut in the start menu or launch "mingw32/64.exe" in the installation directory).Ĭhoose the shell in this step (32-bit or 64-bit) according to whether you want to build a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Inkscape later.
  • Repeat the previous step until no new updates are found.
  • This will start a full system upgrade and ensures that you have the latest versions of all core libraries.
  • Start an MSYS2 MSYS shell (you can work with the one launched by the installer, use the "MSYS2 MSYS" shortcut in the start menu or launch "msys2.exe" in the installation directory).Įxecute the command pacman -Syuu.
  • Start the installation and follow the instructions on screen.
  • Download the installer from the MSYS2 homepage (a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or later is required to run MSYS2 and build Inkscape).
  • To set-up MSYS2 and download the necessary dependencies only two steps are required: You can identify the different shells according to the the purple text string in the console window ( MINGW32, MINGW64 or MSYS respectively).
  • Never use the "MSYS" shell for compiling Inkscape, only use it for updating MSYS2 itself.
  • "MinGW 64-bit" for compiling 64-bit Inkscape.
  • latest inkscape download

  • "MinGW 32-bit" for compiling 32-bit Inkscape.

  • Latest inkscape download